Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Pause Miyabi Fans Meet in Indonesia

Triunfo Del Amor - Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi plans to hold a conference fans while promoting the latest movie starring, 'Ghost Land coachman' in Indonesia. However, because of its presence have protested, he was forced to postpone it.

Maxima Picture Producers Ody Mulya Hidayat revealed, all events concerning the Miyabi experiencing delays. Today, he still wants to consult with the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) first.

"We postpone the show. We want to consult with them (FPI) how the way out," said Ody.

Ody did not dare to decide when fans together Miyabi conference will be held. But, he hoped the event could take place before the turn of the year.

"We try before the new year. Many fans are disappointed because Miyabi," said Ody.

Earlier, a demonstration was held Miyabi reject the arrival of Islam Defenders Front (FPI) in front of the Maxima. In the action, FPI burn posters movie 'Ghost Land coachman'.

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Honda Pull Hundreds of Thousand Units

Japanese car manufacturer, CBR 250 RR Honda Motors Co.. Thursday (14/10) has attracted 126,774 units of Honda City and Honda Fit in Brazil. The reason for withdrawal because both the gas pedal sensor model is problematic.

Honda Motor's statement on the official website of the company as reported by Nikkei.com, Friday (15/10) mentioned a number of dirt and particle acceleration system has the potential to get into two cars.

"This can cause the speed of the car difficult to control and potentially cause an accident," says the manufacturer.

Meanwhile, as preached Kyodonews.com, today both models are drawn it is produced in Brazil in May 2008 and October 2010. Both are marketed in the country.

"We will repair the defect by replacing the cover preventing dirt or other particles into the pedal sensor," I Honda.

The withdrawal came after the authorities of Brazil and Honda received a report that calls have been an accident due to problems in the gas. However, there are no reports which mention any casualties or injuries from the accident.

Senin, 27 September 2010


Game Online Terbaru 2011 一時停止NBAの競争は今年のコービーブライアントに重かった。 NBAのスーパースター、ロサンゼルスレイカーズ忠実に一緒に夏の間、彼の右膝の関節鏡視下手術後の回復のプログラムとの休日で行く必要があります。

Game Online Terbaru - ブライアントは、膝の怪我の後、7月に手術台を向上させることを余儀なくされたことが気になる月に彼女の姿。彼は競争がプレーオフに入っているだけで、残りの多くを持っていた。そうしたいしないで、彼は次のシーズンが始まる前に百パーセントを回復したいと考えています。

" 最も困難は何もされていません。私は私が難しい。しかし、私にとっては、この夏の最高の演習では、何もされていないの作業に慣れて私の体は、休憩を必要としてけがを復元する必要があります。あなたは次のシーズンに向けて準備ができている状態を改善する必要があるので、これは運動です私にとっては難しい、"ヤフースポーツ、ブライアント氏は語る。

衣装は、竹の国のスター、姚明より販売され、中国、会議のファンを行ってNBAファイナルいっぱい夏休みの2つの最高の選手(最優秀選手)受賞。 2003年から2006年後の第3膝の手術をmelakoniする必要がありますが、ブライアントは、彼はまだレイカーズ次のシーズンで6つのすべてのNBAのタイトルを達成することができます楽観的だ。



"私の膝を動作させる準備ができている場合、私が再生されます。それが重くて、私は時間の制限について話すのは好きではないからです。すべての準備ができたら、我々は動作します。私は開幕戦を欠場することはありません。それはまだ長かったが、"ブライアントは述べた。 "どのような物理的強度、非常に良いで評価私の現在の状態については、"と彼は言った。





Sabtu, 11 September 2010

Former CEO of HP coupled Oracle

Harga HP Samsung - Although already dumped by Hewlett Packard as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Hurd's career does not mean finished. Yesterday, Hurd digaet world's second largest software company, Oracle. In this company, Hurd has served as president. Hurd replaced Charles Quits who resigned.

HP Samsung - Later, as president, Hurd must report to Oracle CEO Larry Ellison ie.

Analysts welcomed the positive steps Oracle. "This is a combination that fits. Who better than the Hurd? Moreover, Oracle will be transitioning from software to hardware companies," said Brent Thill, an analyst at UBS AG in San Francisco.

He added that Oracle's current needs someone who can bring the company to reach revenues of U.S. $ 30 billion. Meanwhile, Hurd had led the company with a value of more than U.S. $ 100 billion. "He has a great role and has a high ability to lead the company forward," said Thill.

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Wafatnya Pelawak Kang Ibing

Kang Ibing Meninggal Dunia - Komedian sekaligus tokoh masyarakat Jawa Barat Raden Kusmayatna Kusumadinata alias Kang Ibing meninggal dunia pada hari Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010 di RS Al Islam Bandung.

Diane Fatwawati, putri bungsu Kang Ibing, mengemukakan ayahnya mengalami serangan jantung sore tadi dan langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Akan tetapi, nyama Kang Ibing tidak bisa diselamatkan dan dinyatakan wafat pada pukul 20.45.

"Ayah kami sakit sore tadi dan langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Penyakit jantungnya kambuh," katanya kepada wartawan malam ini.

Menurut rencana jenazah Kang Ibing yang lahir di Sumedang 20 Juni 1946 atau berusia 64 tahun akan dibawa ke rumah duka di Jln. Kencana Wangi No.70 Margacinta Bandung. Hingga kini, belum ada informasi tentang rencana waktu dan tempat pemakaman.

Kang Ibing yang menjadi ikon masyarakat Sunda meninggalkan seorang isteri dan tiga anak, masing-masing satu anak perempuan dan laki-laki.

Pada saat terakhirnya, Kang Ibing juga rajin berdakwah ke pelosok daerah di Jabar.
Selama hidupnya, beliau juga sangat akrab dengan sejumlah tokoh Jabar lainnya seperti maestro wayang Asep Sunandar Sunarya, Aom Kusman, dan lain-lain.

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Aneka Nc1253HZ6 Deddy Corbuzier

NC1253HZ6 Deddy Corbuzier - NC1253HZ6 Code predicting DUTCH! Really? How could the Dutch who won the 2010 World Cup champion is this? Actually it's only a prediction from some friends in one of the comments of this blog posting that discussed the NC1253HZ6 Code which provide as a keyword Corbuzier Deddy Which team will win / win in the 2010 world cup this time.

Yes, in these postings COMMENT many who commented about who would become champion in 2010 world cup this time. In Germany the post NC1253HZ6 Not many predictions vary about what exactly the content or maknya predictions contained in such NC1253HZ6 key code.

In the comments, it should say GERMAN as the winner (but in the semi-finals at the hands of Germans Lose Spain) and then there is also a saying SPAIN as World Cup champion in 2010 (Spain advanced to the final after the German conquest) and the latter is DUTCH (Netherlands in the final after defeating Uruguay).

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Sony Ercisson Satio Resep

Sony Ercisson Satio Harga - PRODUCTEUR téléphones mobiles Sony Ericsson, a lancé son dernier smartphone, le Xperia X8. Les téléphones portables sont considérés comme de divertissement avec un smartphone à écran tactile le système d'exploitation Android était moins cher version.

Sony Ercisson Satio - Les médias sociaux dans la fonction appelée Xperia X8 Timescape. Cette fonctionnalité offre un accès rapide à tous les site de réseautage social, ainsi que sur un bouton pour accéder au contenu de divertissement tels que la radio FM de Sony Ericsson, vidéo streaming, et pour visionner la vidéo.

Xperia X8 se concentrer pour jouer des jeux disponibles dans l'Android Market ou à regarder des clips sur YouTube, la navigation Web, ou à télécharger de la musique. Le dispositif est équipé d'une prise casque 3,5 mm et un appareil photo 3,2 mégapixels avec fonction d'enregistrement vidéo.

Les utilisateurs peuvent télécharger des vidéos sur Facebook, avec geotagging et une capacité à créer des albums. "Le marché est globalement de plus en plus intelligent, et maintenant nous voyons la stratification», a déclaré Avi Greengart, analyste chez Current Analysis.

Selon lui, le marché se développe et smartphones deviennent plus populaires, les vendeurs sont la segmentation du marché et de cibler différents points des prix avec des produits différents. «Il s'agit d'un vieillissement baik.Ini signifie que le marché des smartphones, dit-il.

X8 Xperia qui mettent l'accent sur le divertissement est un exemple de cette stratification. téléphone Android comporte également un prix bas, dit-il.
Xperia chef de produit marketing Timo Maassmann X8 X8 Xperia a souligné que le niveau des prix plus accessibles. "Le prix est inférieur à 200 euros (2,4 millions de dollars) dans des marchés choisis, dit-il.

Greengart dit que le Android ouvrir la porte pour les dispositifs à moindre coût parce que les fabricants de téléphones portables n'ont pas besoin d'investir dans le système d'exploitation. Avec Apple et Research In Motion a conduit le marché des smartphones, juste si l'appareil Android sera suivie d'un faible coût.

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Luna Maya

Luna Maya - No longer exist that need to be covered, right now. Moreover, bath soap ads involving Ariel directly into talks. Luna Maya was not shy to show affection with her boyfriend, a widower with one child.

Only, though it was felt appropriate to each other, Luna admitted to not rush to get married. "Penginnya age 28 or 29 years. A year to two years, "said Luna, when found in the region Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Monday (31 / 5) afternoon.

Although very many parties to encourage them to get married, Luna and her partner seemed relaxed. Two-year period is designed to give priority to career.

Ariel was excused. Moreover Ariel Luna admitted the figure was always designed with a regular life. It turned with the relaxed nature of Ariel, and almost reluctant to set a target.

"He's really nyantai person. I also want to try to prioritize career first. He takes concentration, it takes focus. Let me be fair, "says Luna.

Within two years he wanted to have a profitable property. "I want to do business. I also want a house in Bali. So, if you go to Bali I was not staying at home parents, but want in my own house, "beber Luna.

Within two years, anything can happen. Their relationship is not afraid to run aground in the middle of the road, such as forecasts Mama Lauren before he died first? Asked this possibility, Luna laughed. What is clear, he wanted to set up first before getting married-including smoking cessation, so that later when the pregnant body is free from nicotine.

"I admit, I had never smoked. Because many do not see as good for health, so I decided not to smoke, "he said honestly.

Moreover, she suffered from asthma. This is what makes Luna always admonished those who smoked nearby. Although he could stop the habit, just like a locomotive Ariel, always puffing cigarettes origin. This is what made him resentful.

"Sebal aja. I said that economically, economically, yes. If in the car, he was among like to smoke. Somewhat disturbing. He is not heavy smokers, but could spend half a pack to one pack a day, "he said.

Luna did not want to force myself to eventually get married. "I do not, ah. We'll see. Do not know yet who is also his soul mate. I want to force the baseball and demanded, "said Luna.nnva

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Berita Tokoh Musik

SCTV Music Awards 2010 - Artiste et homme d'affaires Ahmad Dhani musique de fête d'anniversaire-38 sur le 26 mai 2010 soir à sa résidence, Jalan Pinang Emas, Pondok Indah, le sud de Jakarta.

L'événement a été suivi par tous les regards de cette «enfants placés» dans la gestion République Cinta (MRC), comme Mulan, la Grande Déesse, Triad, Perssik Déesse, et le duo de la Vierge. Trois enfants ont également regardé Dhani, Ahmad Al-Gazali (Al), El Jalaluddin Rumi (El), et Ahmad Abdul Qodir Gilani (Dul) qui a accompagné tout au long de la célébration Dhani.

Toutefois, l'ex-épouse de Dhani, Maia Estianty, semble absent à l'événement. La relation entre Dhani et pascaperceraian Maia ils l'air cool en 2008. Néanmoins, Dhani admis que Maia pourrait donner voeux d'anniversaire par l'intermédiaire de messages courts ou SMS.

"Il ya un SMS à partir de Maia et j'ai tourné le dos, dit Dhani.

Malheureusement, quand il a touché plus sur Maia, Dhani était réticent à commenter davantage.

Il a admis, anniversaire premières félicitations venant de son fils, Al, mercredi matin, sans délai, à 00:00. À cette époque, trois fils l'intention de donner une fête surprise pour Dhani. Malheureusement, seuls les plus forts Al ne durent jusqu'à 00:00 heures. Deux de son jeune frère, El et Dul, dormait en premier.

«Hier, il y avait une fête surprise par les enfants et la gestion. J'ai été vraiment surpris car il avait en blanc si ce jour-là, c'était mon anniversaire», a déclaré Dhani.

En ce jour heureux, Dhani espère que nouveau single avec Dewi Perssik peut réussir sur le marché. En outre, Dhani tiens également à prendre de l'avance de la République de l'Amour de gestion, qui a publié le plus vendu des albums, des albums et peut également être film à succès "Mulan.

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Honda Scoopy

Honda Scoopy in Indonesia seem to be slightly different from the existing Scoopy in Thailand there. Because when in Thailand Honda Scoopy sell pengabutan injection system, in Indonesia will use carburetor as pengabutannya system.

"For Indonesia carburetor wear gold," says Senior General Manager of Sales Division to detikOto AHM Sigit Kumala weekend.

In Thailand there, the latest Scoopy has been marketed since September last year with a carrying capacity of 110cc 4 stroke engine. The machine was equipped with water cooling and injection system.

With the injection system skutiknya Honda claims the motor will only need one liter of gasoline to go as far as 49 km.

The plan, motorcycle retro genre will be launched on May 20, 2010 came the invitation to come after the launch of a new motor from AHM.

Scoopy's outer appearance is very tantalizing and retro-style design that sangta strong with a rounded body coloring almost all parts of the motor, either in the body, the main lights up in the rearview mirror.

Scoopy view this course will tempt many people, especially young children who like style.

AHM was first planned to be membandrol this anyarnya motors at affordable prices and below prices Vario.

"Scoopy later priced under Vario but above the beat," he said.

Honda had at least been prepared to produce approximately 120,000 units in the homeland Scoopy.

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Game Online

Point Blank - Video game testing can be one of the most rewarding jobs-- it allows you to have fun, make money, and help companies develop new games.

On top of that, often you'll get to play games even before they're released to the public! All the major companies use video game testers. Why? Imagine if they didn't... They'll get bad reviews for their buggy game, their reputation will be harmed, customers will be pissed off. It's MUCH cheaper for them to pay people to test games so they can find their bugs.

That's where you come in. This isn't going to be a get rich quick scheme. What it WILL be is a guide to making a very, very decent living doing what you already love. You can do this part time or full time, it's really up to you.

This applies to every game niche out there, from role playing games to strategy games, from puzzle games to arcade games, even computer card games!

Most websites are out there to rip you off when it comes to this sort of thing; do NOT believe you'll get rich quick.

Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, even PC's. All games need to be tested. This works for all the major publishers-- Blizzard, EA, Sega, Square-Enix, etc.

Often even when you're done testing you'll get to keep the games and sometimes the hardware they have you use as well!

Jobs vary in terms of what they pay. Initially don't expect much more than $10 an hour or so. The more experience you get the more you'll get paid. On the high end this can be up to 30 or 40 dollars an hour. Sure beats most jobs most of us can get!

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Chelsea Juara Liga Premier Inggris 2010

Chelsea Juara Liga Premier Inggris 2010 - Just like Jose Mourinho, Carlo Ancelotti to be a winner in his first season with Chelsea. Chelsea came out as the English Premier League champions this season after winning a landslide victory over Wigan Athletic 8-0 at Stamford Bridge Stadium, Sunday (9 / 5) evening hrs.

Chelsea Juara Liga Inggris  -In addition to Milan's success, gait the Blues this season has been phenomenal. A total of 103 goals in Chelsea booked. Chelsea became the first team to score more than 100 goals in one season since Tottenham Hotpsurs in the '60s.

Striker Didier Drogba Chelsea was completed successfully with a top score. Carpenters pounded Ivory Coast scored three goals against Wigan. Thus, the total goals scored Drogba is 29. Wayne Rooney, who scored 26 goals so competitors.

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

BlackBerry New

Blackberry Onyx - As a product smartphone, the BlackBerry spelled success conjured mobile phone users to switch to him. What exactly is the key to success besutan products that Research In Motion?

According to Mike McAndrews, RIM's vice president of Product Marketing, which strengthen the company's success in peddling BlackBerry can not be determined by one thing only.

But the most important one is related to the company's focus. Makudnya, RIM's business focus only on how to develop a Blackberry. Starting from the application, hardware, services to the business model.

"Unlike other companies, we do not have product differentiation, only how to develop a BlackBerry," he said, in an interview session in the arena of World Enterprise Limited Symposiom 2010, which took place at the Marriott World Center Hotel, Orlando, Florida, United States.

So, he continued, effort which is owned by a Canadian company that will be devoted entirely to 'children' simply wayang, the BlackBerry.

Meanwhile, according to Jim Balsillie, Co-CEO of RIM, the main force that held the BlackBerry is being able to provide communication, collaboration, efficiency, integerasi, privacy, security and cost.

"That was desired by many users. But first, we start with how to connect people. That's the basic functions of a cellphone," said Jim.

Impact on the state of fuel in Indonesia

Jim exemplifies the phenomenon of the use of BlackBerry in Indonesia, where the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) into a potent tool for pengatrol their popularity.

"From the scene we can see that mobility has a special space in the community. Sure there SMS and email before, but becomes more powerful BlackBerry users to communicate and access the Internet," says Jim.

"And the fuel has to accommodate the communication and internet access it. You can chat, share photos, create personal Internet access, and got security," he continued.

BlackBerry users themselves have to break the current 41 million. And the target of 100 million users had already pegged RIM for the next mission.

"We think everyone will switch from traditional phone usage smart phone users," concluded Jim.

Rabu, 28 April 2010

Gambar Lucu

Gambar Lucu - Cartoon popularly interpreted as a simple line drawing which presents irregularities and absurdities that surround through jokes. Funny pictures made to laugh at themselves with a gaffe-Busway human behavior. Cartoons are also increasingly popular because it presents a variety of tempting surprises the mind. That was part of science that is divided komikus Muhammad 'Mice' in a workshop on Comic Strip Misrad Ala Benny & Mice, at Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta, Wednesday (7 / 4).

"Comic strip itself starts from choosing, rather than looking for a theme. We choose from a variety of things or events that are trendy in the community. In looking at an event or phenomenon, we do not rely on the head (mind), but recorded. For example, the seat of a hot motor or laundry kiloan USD six thousand, "said Mice.
Then determine the standard format used column. Adjust the number of columns, but it usually uses four columns. In the first column contains the problem and the fourth as the ending of the story. Columns 2 and 3 had been forgotten, because in this section, the manga artist can explore all ideas.

"After making a rough sketch to help build up the plot or storyline, so not too much to delete. Rough sketch used to adjust each image. In this section, the object must be detailed until the part knick-perniknya. To that end, research is needed to record a mood and objects. If deemed incapable, can open the internet, "he explained.

To build an atmosphere can be added to the background. This was done if the object can not represent the states. While the composition of the balloon said, do not be too rigid. began on Sunday. The first two aircraft, from Nippon Cargo Airlines specialist company, will leave Narita International Airport (near Tokyo) and passed through Helsinki in Finland before arriving at Seville airport on the morning of Monday, April 26 and Tuesday 27 respectively. In case of difficulty with a scheduled route, the two aircraft could use American routes, where they will pass through Anchorage (Alaska) and New York before arriving in Seville in time.

747 Third, from the Atlas of American companies also will leave Narita but will take Siberian route, stopping off in Karaganda (Kazakhstan) and is scheduled to arrive in Seville on Tuesday evening 27th day after tomorrow.

Honda Rider Shocked

Volcanic eruptions in Iceland makes Japanese MotoGP mat postponed. Surprised and disappointed reaction shown by the team rider "host", Honda. But gratitude is also spoken of this cancellation.

Caused by the eruption Eyjafjallajökull in Europe, many flights from and to the 'Continent of Blue' is forced to be canceled.

The impact on the incidence of the second series of the MotoGP season in 2010 which was previously scheduled to held this weekend in Japan. Which had been due races held this weekend postponed until 3 October.

Disappointment was expressed by HRC Honda rider Andrea Dovizioso. "I'm slightly keceaw because I looked forward to racing at home to Honda after I get good results in the previous series in Qatar," said winning the third podium at Losail it.

"But we can not do anything with this volcanic eruption events. We can only accept," said Dovizioso as quoted from Motorcycle News.

The reaction was surprise over the decision comes from Interwetten Honda rider, Hiroshi Aoyama. "I was very surprised. In my opinion, this is the first race postponed by a decision very quickly," said the Japanese driver.

Various activities have been done Aoyama, among others, met with the mayor of the city where he lived and promotion Motegi GP.

Aoyama said the cancellation was for him to have two effects. "On the one hand I do not regret because the races were held on schedule. But on the other side so I had more time to adapt to a new assignment as a motorcycle rider and MotoGP."

Meanwhile, Dani Pedrosa also claimed to be disappointed with this delay. The reason the Spaniard admitted that Motegi is a circuit favorite. Even so Pedrosa still take the positives from the delay.

"At least we were lucky because it was already in the house (individual countries) when this happens. For many people were stuck in Europe and could not go anywhere. By considering the number of trips we had to do, then we could have washed up on a place, 'said Pedrosa.

Selasa, 27 April 2010

Cowboys In Paradise

Video Cowboys in Paradise - Indonesia has detained 28 "beach boys" accused of selling sex to female tourists on the island of Bali after a documentary on the resort's "gigolos" hit the Internet, an official said.

"We've rounded up 28 men we suspect might be gigolos. They're young, fit-looking and tanned, mostly surfer beach boys," I Gusti Ngurah Tresna, the chief of security on Bali's main Kuta beach, told AFP.

"We're still questioning them. If we have good reason to suspect they may be involved in shady activities we'll hand them over to the police," he said, adding that the raids were ongoing.

"We're always on the beach so we can guess which beach boy may be taking advantage of foreign women."

The arrests followed the release of a documentary, "Cowboys in Paradise", by Singapore-based writer and director Amit Virmani at a film festival in South Korea last Wednesday.

Segments of the film, which contains candid interviews with "beach boys" and the foreign women who fall for them, have gone viral on the Internet after becoming available on YouTube.

Tresna said the documentary ran counter to the authorities' preferred image of Bali as a world-class destination.

"All this while we've been selling our beautiful waves, sunsets, turtles, culture and nature conservation, and suddenly now we're seen to be selling gigolos? Such films are really harmful to our image," he said.

The official could not explain what charges the "beach boys" could face and admitted it would be hard to prove they were selling sex.

"We apprehended some suspects some time back but we let them off with a stern warning," he said.

"They will approach foreign female tourists, especially Japanese, on the beach, befriend them and the women will pay for their company and food during their stay here. Sex may be involved.

"It's like prostitution which is hard to prove because the foreign women may be willing partners, too."

Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Astrological Signs

Ramalan Jodoh - one of this year's 35th annual Jacksonville Symphony Guild 2010 Designer Showhouse sponsors, is showcasing two of its newest and most elegant automobiles to visitors of the Showhouse - the 2011 5 Series 550i GT and the X6 ActiveHybrid.

Jodoh - These two innovative and dynamic automobiles complement the beauty and elegance of the 2010 Toll Brothers Designer Showhouse, which is open now through May 9 within Coastal Oaks at Nocatee.

The ActiveHybrid concept of the X6 allows far greater driving dynamics than a conventional hybrid car with significant all-round efficiency by reducing fuel consumption by up to 20 percent.

While the hybrid certainly features a sleek design and impressive style lines typical of the X Series, the 5 Series 550i GT is also quite magnificent. The 550i GT sedan's contemporary yet classic look leaves the young at heart in awe of its ease, blending the Sports Activity Vehicle and the classic Gran Turismo into a single concept.

"The Showhouse gives us the perfect opportunity to promote two of our prestigious luxury automobiles," said Jim Campbell, sales manager at Tom Bush BMW of Jacksonville, located on Atlantic Boulevard near the Regency Mall. "The 550 GT's twin-turbo V-8 engine and eight-speed automatic transmission can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just 5.4 seconds, yet delivers remarkable fuel efficiency in everyday driving. Also, the interior offers more of the elegance you'd expect in a BMW."

Drivers and passengers will both like what they see in these two models. The BMW 550GT radiates a unique blend of sportiness and stylish presence. Typical BMW proportions, four doors with frameless windows, and a coupe-like roofline combine in a harmonious, highly distinctive silhouette that visually represents this vehicle's unusual blend of capabilities. On the other hand, the BMW X6's innovative drivetrain and the unique concept of the Sports Activity Coupe form an ideal match that is unparalleled anywhere in the world. BMW ActiveHybrid technology has, indeed, been developed especially for a particularly dynamic vehicle in this segment and for extensive use far beyond city traffic.

While guests of the Showhouse are able to see these two machines up close and personal, they are also supporting the Jacksonville Symphony Guild to carry out its mission through this annual fundraising event in what can simply be described as a masterpiece by Toll Brothers.

Surrounded by mature live oak trees and designed with Mediterranean influences, Toll Brothers' Marquis has more than 5,000 square feet of living space, featuring five bedrooms, five-and-a-half baths and a four-car courtyard garage.

Visitors will experience an amazing sense of arrival as they enter the home's grand two-story foyer, which reveals a beamed, wagon wheel coffered ceiling and dual curved oak staircases. The home's open design is accentuated with arches, columns and numerous special features, such as the impressive floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace in the family room. The opulent gourmet kitchen has a convenient center island, dark java cabinets, granite countertops and GE Monogram appliances.

The secluded master suite reveals a private master bath with an expansive soaking tub, walk-around shower, Zodiac quartz countertops and brushed nickel Kohler faucets.

The home's outdoor living space is equally spectacular with a pool, spa, fire pit and summer kitchen.

"Many anticipate the announcement of the Showhouse each year. It has consistently proven to be a success for the Guild and, with 35 years of history, I am proud to be part of the tradition it carries," said Teresa Eichner, public relations chair for the event. "Nearly 1,200 people are needed each year and work for more than 18 months in preparation of this event. This year, we will also be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Guild; it's quite a milestone."

Nearly 20 of the area's most respected designers, including design students from the Art Institute of Jacksonville, worked with volunteers for many of those months - providing their expertise to design unique interior spaces within the Toll Brothers' Marquis floor plan.

"This event provides an opportunity for anyone interested in a number of topics," Eichner said. "Not only are we showcasing the two beauties from Tom Bush, but we also have a number of events including our speakers series, Thirsty Thursdays and the designer nights."

"We'd like to thank everyone who participated in this event. From the sponsors, benefactors, designers, volunteers and those who buy tickets to tour the home, we couldn't make it happen without each of them,'' Eichner added. "It takes thousands of hours by dedicated people to make sure this event is a success for The Guild."

Campbell said, "This event truly provides Tom Bush an opportunity for our customers to see the beauty of BMW, while giving us a chance to support a worthy cause locally."

The 2010 Jacksonville Symphony Guild Designer Showhouse is presented by Toll Brothers, Access Public Relations, BMW/Tom Bush BMW, Comcast Spotlight, The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville.com.

Proceeds from the 2010 Designer Showhouse benefit the Jacksonville Symphony Guild in its support of the Jacksonville Symphony Association, as well as the Guild's music education programs.

Information on the BMW 550i GT and ActiveHybrid X6 can be found at Tom Bush BMW Jacksonville, 9850 Atlantic Blvd., (904) 725-0911; Tom Bush BMW Orange Park, 6914 Blanding Blvd., (904) 777-2500; Web site is www.tombush.com.
Dates: Open through Sunday, May 9, at Coastal Oaks at Nocatee by Toll Brothers.
Hours: 10 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.* Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.* Thursday; noon to 5 p.m.* Sunday. (*Last entry at this time.)
Directions: To visit the Designer Showhouse from Florida A1A, take Palm Valley Road (County Road 210) west 3.3 miles, through the roundabout, continuing west. Palm Valley Road becomes Nocatee Parkway. Continue on Nocatee Parkway; exit onto Crosswater Parkway South. Proceed south .6 miles through the roundabout, continuing south to the Coastal Oaks entrance on the right. Follow the signs to the Designer Showhouse. From U.S. 1, take the Valley Ridge Road (CR 210) east 3.8 miles and exit onto Crosswater Parkway South. Proceed south .6 miles through the roundabout, continuing south to the Coastal Oaks entrance on the right. Follow the signs to the Designer Showhouse.
Tickets: Advance tickets, $15 at select locations. Online tickets are $15 at www.jaxsymphony.org. Groups of 10 or more may purchase tickets for $12 per person (visit the Web site for details). Tickets are $20 on site at the Showhouse.
House Rules: Visitors must wear flat shoes. Food and drink are not permitted; neither is photography of any kind, video-taping, etc. Due to insurance restrictions, children under 11 (including babies in arms) will not be admitted. Limited handicap accessibility.
Further Information: Visit the Showhouse Web site at www.jacksonville.com/showhouse, or call the Guild at (904) 358-1479.

Rabu, 21 April 2010

Technology and Mobile Phones

Daftar Harga Hp Nokia Terbaru 2010 - Imagine driving somewhere new, you’re lost, unsure of where you are at, and the more you try to find your way out the more confused you get. Do you know how safe the area which you’re in is, is it safe to get out of your car to ask for directions or are you risking being attacked? What if you are threatened or attacked, you have your cell phone, dial 9-1-1, but are unable to tell the operator how to find you. Imagine having an accident, or witnessing an accident, but you are unsure where you are, you call 9-1-1 but are unable to tell them where you are. Imagine becoming ill while in your car, you dial 9-1-1, but become unconscious before you can tell someone where you’re at, how will anyone find you? Imagine being on a hike or bike ride when you suddenly realize you do not know where you are, how will you find your way back safely?

Harga Nokia X5 - The U.S. FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has mandated the E911 (Enhanced 911) which requires that the location of any cell phone used to call 9-1-1 can be determined. This program is divided into two parts; the first requires carriers to report the telephone number of the caller and the location of the antenna that received the call. The second part requires carriers to be able to provide a more precise location. This will require that the manufacturers to install a GPS receiver in all cell phones. The benefit of this not only means that a cell phone can be quickly located, but that cell phones will have the ability to receive driving directions, and to be used as a hand-held GPS out of the car.

There are two ways that a GPS cell phone can be used to get driving directions. The first is to subscribe to a GPS navigation service, which is becoming available but is limited at this time. The second way is through use of a software program. Being able to subscribe to a navigation service has its disadvantages, if you are outside your coverage area your navigation functions won’t work. Plus, not only do you have to purchase a GPS cell phone, you must also pay a set up fee and a monthly fee and be under a 3 month to one year contract.

The second way to get driving directions is to buy a software program, but you need to have a compatible cell phone. The programs and maps are on a memory card and there is no need to pay a monthly fee and since the maps are in the phone you are not dependent on a GPRS connection.

If you want to take your GPS cell phone with you while out of your car, not only are there integrated GPS cell phones, there are GPS add-ons available also.

Another advantage to having a cell phone with GPS technology is that parents know where their children are at any time (as long as they have the phone with them). Some carriers are offering this child location service as a ‘peace of mind’ feature. There is usually a monthly service charge for this service.

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

The Big Picture

Gambar Gambar Lucu - Eyjafjallajökull (how ever you pronounce) is a volcano located in Iceland, covered by a small glacier with the same name. It’s crater has a diameter of about 3-4 kilometers, and it erupted the second time this month, causing a cloud of ash that forced authorities to stop almost all flights above Iceland.

Gambar Lucu - The problem, when you have such a volcano, is that the ice on top of it melts, causing massive floods, as well as the usual shooting of smoke and gases. Thousands of people were forced to give up their homes and take cover in the face of the floods. Here we’ll present some of the most suggestive photos from the area, taken over a time span of approximately a month.

So what do you guys think? What in the above Picture?? It looks like some kind monster is there. Apart from this picture we also have other updates Iceland Volcano that the National Air Traffic Service (NATs) has advised this afternoon that British airspace over England and Wales will remain closed until 7am tomorrow.

Norwegian PM is using iPad to run his country after Iceland volcano. Also according to sources that Premier League teams forced to travel across Germany by train rather than plane, the Iceland volcano is also effecting European sports.

Minggu, 11 April 2010

Meat Free Mondays

Vegetarians Recipes - We mentioned this in yesterday's Day Around the Bay, but its unadulterated attention-whoring is so profound, its own article seems more than necessary. See, inept Supervisor Sophie Maxwell concocted something called Meat Free Mondays, which was unanimously passed by the Board of Supervisors yesterday. This arid resolution will urge restaurants, markets and schools to observe no meat on Mondays.

Vegetarian - In response, SFist will promote meat-based recipes and deals on Mondays. Not because we want to do it, but because we have to do it.

Now, we hardly champion the OMG-bacon-on-everything neanderthals roaming among us, and we've strained our eye muscles more times than we can count at Anthony Bourdain's painful shtick. Quite the contrary, we adore a well-prepared vegan raw meal; however, Meat Free Mondays, comparatively, is unnecessary for San Francisco. Who in this city needs to learn about alternatives to meat? No one, that's who. Absurd. This is like, say, passing a Gay Bar Tuesdays resolution.

"I think San Francisco is a food town. There are a lot of vegetarian restaurants and a lot of things that people can think about," said Maxwell. "Not only bring attention to, but think about the alternatives to meat."

See, even Maxwell agrees that there are plenty of vegetarian options in San Francisco. And she's right. We are a city inundated with superfluous vegetarian choices. We've got farmers markets, hippies, vegans, vegetarian options on almost every menu (or, you'll eat your risotto and you'll like it), and countless well-to-do types espousing the virtues of veggie burritos on the webs. Combine this freshly pushed fecal matter of a resolution with this curious Muni ad ban, and... well, we look forward to a future of delicious cake.

Jumat, 09 April 2010

Pedagang Helm Panen

Helm SNI -Matahari sudah mulai condong ke barat. Namun, Heri Susanto masih tetap sibuk melayani pembeli yang menyerbu toko helmnya di sentra aksesori motor, Jalan Otista, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur. Dengan lihai, dia menjual satu demi satu barang dagangannya yang tertata rapi. Sejak bulan lalu, sebagian besar helm yang dijual Heri sudah berubah dari biasanya. Helm-helm yang dijualnya sudah berlogo Standar Nasional Indonesia atau SNI. Kendati ada yang tidak SNI, itu jumlahnya sangat sedikit.

"Sekarang hampir semua helm yang saya jual berlogo Helm SNI. Hanya sedikit yang tidak berlogo SNI," tutur Heri, Jakarta, Rabu (7/4/2010).

Setelah Polda Metro Jaya memberlakukan wajib helm SNI kepada para pengemudi sepeda motor, dagangannya semakin laris manis. Helm SNI diserbu oleh para pembeli. Jumlah penjualannya juga meningkat setidaknya dua kali lipat dibandingkan sebelumnya. "Kalau biasanya cuma 50 helm per hari, ini bisa 100 helm lebih," ujarnya. Peningkatan penjualan helm terjadi sejak dua bulan belakangan.

Kendati tidak murah, helm berlogo SNI asli ini tetap dicari pembeli. Harga yang ditawarkan bervariasi, mulai Rp 125.000 hingga mencapai Rp 1,75 juta.

Staf Ahli Asosiasi Industri Helm Indonesia (AIHI), Thomas Lim, mengatakan bahwa penjualan helm secara keseluruhan di Indonesia justru mengalami penurunan sejak Desember 2009. "Kira-kira sih penurunannya antara 20 dan 25 persen, dari Desember sampai sekarang belum pulih. Itu untuk total ya, baik SNI maupun non-SNI," kata Thomas.

Menurutnya, surutnya penjualan helm terjadi karena bulan-bulan ini merupakan musim penerimaan siswa baru dan bayar sekolah. Karena keperluan itu, masyarakat memilih untuk tidak membeli helm. "Ini kan musim bayar sekolah, jadi enggak ada dana buat beli helm," tandasnya.

Selasa, 06 April 2010

Sri Lanka's traitorous politics ‎

Contoh Pidato - A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague," declared Roman statesman and orator Marcus Tullius Cicero over 2,000 years ago. Accusations of treachery still sting. But in Sri Lanka in recent decades, the term "traitor" has been flung about with wild abandon, raising questions about what loyalty people might owe to a nation and what this might mean in practice.

Naskah Pidato - Last year, a civil war ended with the crushing defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), but this has not brought national harmony and reconciliation. Instead, an authoritarian culture has taken hold in which disagreement with the powers that be is labelled as disloyalty to the nation. The general who led the successful military campaign against the LTTE, Sarath Fonseka, became highly critical of the current president, Mahinda Rajapakse, who with his brother Gotabhaya, the defence secretary, also claimed credit for the victory.

Fonseka unsuccessfully stood as an opposition candidate in this year's presidential elections. Some government supporters labelled him as a traitor, and he was arrested. In the runup to parliamentary elections, he is facing trial by a military court.

A political culture built on mistrust of diversity and disagreement took hold 30 years ago. The government tried to tap into fear of and rivalry towards Tamils among the Sinhalese majority. In the world view promoted by industries minister, Cyril Mathew, in his 1979 work Diabolical Conspiracy, those not Sinhalese Buddhists were particularly prone to be treacherous. In the days of British rule "a very special partiality was shown to the minorities and they were given valuable and privileged opportunities. In this crafty way the British rulers were able to obtain all the information regarding the efforts of the majority people for a united stand, from the beholden and grateful minority communities". This was a gross distortion of history, but helped to fuel suspicion and supposedly justify abuses of power. Harsh repression alienated many Tamil youth, swelling the ranks of an initially tiny militant movement fighting for a separate state.

It was not just ethnic and religious minorities who came under attack: anyone who questioned the regime risked arrest or death. After unleashing violence against Tamil civilians in 1983, the government banned much of the opposition including the main Tamil party and Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), supported largely by discontented Sinhalese youth, supposedly for undermining national security.

This fuelled support for the Tamil nationalist movement as well as a JVP rebellion. Soon the JVP, too, was labelling those its leaders disapproved of as traitors and violently targeting them The LTTE also set out to stamp its authority over the Tamil people, detaining or killing "traitors" – rival Tamil nationalists, moderates and anyone suspected of being critical of its policies, which included terrorist attacks, ethnic cleansing and child conscription.

Meanwhile, human rights activists such as idealistic young opposition MP Rajapakse risked their safety to publicise the regime's injustices internationally and try to restore a less violent and divisive political culture.

Now in power, it is ironic that Rajapakse is promoting the kind of repression he once opposed so strongly, further dividing rather than reconciling Sri Lankans. Critics of the government are labelled as traitors, human rights and democracy undermined.

In any country where quasi-religious adoration of "the nation" takes hold, there is a risk this may tip over into unquestioning obedience to its leaders. Ironically, this may harm rather than protect its people and what is best in its heritage. The kind of patriotism needed by Sri Lanka and other countries today is that described by human rights defender Clarence Darrow: "True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else."

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Musrenbangprovsu Tahun 2010 ‎

Contoh Makalah - Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Sumatera Utara (Bapedasu) Ir Riadil Akhir Lubis menyatakan Musyawarah Rencana Pembangunan Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Musrenbangprovsu) tahun 2010 dari 30 Maret sampai 1 April direncanakan akan dihadiri 10 Menteri.

Contoh Pidato - Kehadiran para menteri selain untuk menyampaikan makalah tentang strategi pembangunan nasional, juga untuk membedah materi Musrenbangprovsu menjadi lebih berbobot dan lebih berdaya saing di masa depan, kata Riadil yang juga Ketua Panitia Musrenbangprovsu kepada wartawan, Jumat (26/3), di kantornya Jalan Diponegoro Medan.

Pihaknya sangat mengapresiasi kesediaan 10 menteri hadir di acara dimaksud. Karena kehadiran itu bisa lebih mengoptimalkan daya serap strategi pembangunan di Sumut, khususnya mengenai berbagai masukkan dari kabupaten dan kota.

"Ini sebuah prestasi bagi Sumut. Karenanya, pembahasan program prioritas pada Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang (RPJM) Sumut 2008-2013 bisa diselaraskan dengan program prioritas pembangunan nasional 2009-2014. Sehingga output dari Musrenbangprovsu 2010 itu benar-benar mengakomodir seluruh kepentingan masyarakat Sumut akan gerak dan laju pembangunan," kata Riadil.

Dijelaskannya, hingga Jumat (26/3), dari 10 menteri yang dijadwalkan hadir, lima di antaranya sudah memastikan diri (tanpa diwakili). Yakni Kepala Bappenas, Mendagri, Menteri Pertanian, Menteri Koperasi, dan Menteri BUMN. "Lima menteri lainnya, yakni Menkeu, Mendiknas, Menkes, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum, dan Menteri Perdagangan belum menyatakan kesediaan hadir.

Dibuka Gubsu

Musrenbangprovsu 2010 akan dibuka langsung Gubsu H Syamsul Arifin di Aula Martabe Kantor Gubernur Sumut. Untuk pelaksanaan hari kedua sampai hari ketiga, lokasinya dipindah ke Balai Sidang Hotel Tiara Medan

Kita harapkan, menyangkut pendalaman materi Musrenbangprovsu 2010 berupa masukan dari kabupaten dan kota, bisa dilakukan kabupaten dan kota pada hari kedua dan ketiga. Karena dua hari itu, materi pembahasan menyangkut rencana pembangunan sektoral seperti pendidikan, perbaikan jalan nasional dan provinsi, pasokan energi listrik berupa pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Micro Hydro (PLTMH) dan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) serta jaringan irigasi sekunder dan tersier, katanya.

Kemudian pembangunan pab rik cluster industri berbasis pertanian Crude Palm Oil (CPO) di Sei Mangke seluas 3.000 Hektare (Ha), dan rencana pembangunan North Sumatera Palm Oil yang dikerjasamakan antara Pemprov Sumut dengan PTPN 2 di atas lahan seluas kurang lebih 8.000 Ha.

"Dalam dua hari terakhir itu, masalah peningkatan kualitas 206.000 guru di Sumut harus sarjana juga ikut dibahas. Karena dari total guru yang ada, sebanyak 120.000 di antaranya belum sarjana, dan program peningkatan kualitasnya harus sudah tuntas pada 2012," urainya.

Materi pembahasan lain yang tak kalah penting adalah menyangkut pengalihan pajak ekspor asal Sumut secara lebih konfrehensif. Karena sampai akhir 2009 saja, pajak ekspor asal Sumut yang terdata Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit (GAPKI) Sumut sudah mencapai Rp45 triliun, ungkapnya.

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

Julia Perez Artis Telanjang

Julia Perez Calon Bupati Patikan - Nama Julia Perez semakin membuat panas pertarungan Pemilu Kepala Daerah (Pemilukada) Pacitan. Meski begitu, artis bernama asli Yulia Rahmawati itu, tidak bermaksud mencalonkan bupati. Jupe lebih tertarik maju sebagai bakal calon (balon) wakil bupati.

"Julia Perez  hanya bersedia dicalonkan sebagai wakil bupati," terang Sutikno, Koordinator Koalisi partai pengusung kepada wartawan Senin (29/3/2010).

Ketua DPC Hanura Kabupaten Pacitan itu mengungkapkan, perempuan yang membintangi sejumlah sinetron itu dipastikan hadir pada Musda I Hanura di Surabaya, 4-5 April mendatang. Undangannya sendiri ditanda tangani Sekjen DPP Hanura Dossy Iskandar Prasetyo.

Sutikno mengaku punya alasan sendiri mengapa koalisinya memilih artis untuk maju menjadi bakal calon. Wilayah pergaulan yang luas diiharapkan bermanfaat untuk mendatangkan investor ke daerah di bibir pantai selatan Jawa ini.

"Rencananya bulan depan Jupe akan datang ke Pacitan," tandasnya.

Rencananya, lulusan ILP Istitude Langgue Du Perou, France itu akan mendatangi sejumlah tempat. Antara lain obyek wisata, stadion, Masjid Besar. Jupe juga dijadwalkan bertemu dengan sejumlah tokoh yang disebut-sebut akan maju menjadi bakal calon bupati.

Tampilnya Julia Perez dalam persingan pemilukada Pacitan diusung Koalisi beranggotakan 8 partai. Masing-masing Hanura, PAN, PKPB, Patriot, PDP, PBB, Gerindra dan PKPI

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Hidup bisa menjadi sebuah mimpi ‎

Gambar Gambar Lucu - Berdasarkan desain film dan make-up, Anda dapat berpendapat bahwa film hasil arahan Tim Burton, baik Batman, Edward Scissorhand, sllepy Hollow atau Ed Wood—adalah sebuah gambaran sempurna bagi lahirnya imajinasi.

Gambar Lucu - Dan sekarang Burton menghasilkan sebuah karya agung yang mengantarkan kita pada sebuah dunia imajinasi dalam “Alice in Wonderland”. Untuk melihat sebuah karya artistik dari film ini, Anda cukup melihat karakter dari para pemain film yaitu Johnny Depp yang berperan sebagai Mad Hatter, Helena Bonham Carter sebagai Red Queen, Anne Hathaway sebagai White Queen, Matt Lucas sebagai Tweedledee dan Tweedledum serta Mia Wasikoswska sebagai Alice.

Karakter tersebut sangat mengagumkan, mencegangkan, sangat imajinatif, dan sangat menggambarkan dunia khayal dalam novel. Namun, yang membuat kisah ini begitu mengagumkan adalah semangat di balik film ini, bagaimana Alice digambarkan sebagai seorang pemberontak dalam pemikiran dan perilaku konvensional.

Alice digambarkan sangat berani dan jujur membuatnya menjadi tokoh paling menarik di antara hasil karya Jane Austen. Tak heran jika Alice lebih memilih untuk masuk ke dalam “lubang kelinci” di mana dia berjumpa dengan sebuah dunia dan berbagai karakter yang diimpikannya sejak ia masih kecil. Disanalah Alice bertemu dengan berbagai karakter yang tidak biasa.

Segera setelah Alice memasukki dunia impian anda akan disajikan oleh berbagai jenis simbolisme, tidak terlalu jelas tapi cukup jelas untuk menginspirasikan beberapa interpretasi konstan. Gambar-gambar yang disajikan membuat Anda dapat masuk pada sebuah dunia mimpi, bukan sebuah halusinasi, gambar yang disajikan benar-benar membuat dunia mimpi tersebut seperti sebuah kenyataan yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah pemikiran yang sangat kreatif.

Tapi Alice tidak saja menyajikan sebuah simbolisme yang serius. Alice juga menyajikan beberapa adegan lucu, ketika Bonham Carter, karakter yang sangat lucu membuat Red Queen menggunakan babi yang masih hidup sebagai tumpuan kakinya, karakter kembar yang bodoh tetapi antik, Tweedledee dan Tweedledum serta Johnyy Depp yang melakukan berbagai tarian yang menghibur sebagai Mad Hatter. Melalui Alice in Wonderland, Burton menemukan keseimbangan yang sempurna. Ini adalah film yang sangat bagus, sebuah karya klasik yang mengagumkan.

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Jennifer Aniston Memang Aduhai

Film Hollywood yang sangat terkenal dan merupakan arahnya perfilman dunia, melahirkan artis - artis cantik jelita yang seksi dan juga sangat mahir dalam melakukan adegan film atau berakting. Diantara sekian banyak artis Hollywood tahun ini yang sedang naik daun adalah Jennifer Aniston si kaki seksi dan menarik.

Film Hollywod Terbaru yang dibintangi artis ini adalah Bounty Hunter. Jennifer Aniston panik terkunci dalam bagasi mobil. Ia hampir kehabisan nafas saat para kru film terbarunya The Bounty Hunter terlupa menguncinya dalam bagasi.

Mengutip situs femalefirst, Jennifer menjelaskan, "Mereka meninggalkan saya dalam bagasi. Tentu saja mereka berkata, 'Apakah kau akan baik-baik saja?" Kami menutup bagasi. Namun yang tadinya terdengar pembicaraan, tiba-tiba suara-suara perbincangan itu tak terdengar lagi."

"Saya akhirnya berteriak. Mereka pun akhirnya mendengar dan membukakan. Itu saya lakukan demi film saya bersama Gerard Butler."

Bounty Hunter adalah film pertama Jennifer pada 2010. Film yang mulai rilis Rabu 17 Maret 2010, ini terbaru sejak terakhir kali ia membintangi Love Happens. Selanjutnya, ia sedang menjalani proses pembuatan Just Go With It dengan Nicole Kidman.

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Actress Shannon Elizabeth Is America's Sweethear

Erika Kirihara - What does actress Shannon Elizabeth, animals, and Christine Santos have in common?, They are all angels sent to us by some high power. Animal Avengers began rescuing and helping the cute critters of the world about 2 1/2 years ago and have three branches, all on the west coast in the gorgeous San Fernando Valley, LA, and South Bay.

I sat down (ok, we sent e-mails back and forth) with Ms. Christine Santos recently and she gave me so much great information that I wish I had more room for a longer story, but maybe next issue. Animal Avengers began when actress Shannon Elizabeth and her husband helped a poor sick dog, but knew that they wanted to do more and as they say, the rest is history! Christine Santos is the South Bay Coordinator for Animal Avengers, a team leader, kennel coordinator, and the person who oversees the medical/health issues for the kennel dogs.

(Who can say holy cow and when are you getting a medal of honor?) One of Christine’s favorite times working with Animal Avengers is when they participate in massive adoption days at large venues and people come from everywhere to welcome fur-faced creatures into their lives, homes, and hearts.

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Learning Four-Octave Scales

Many violin students regard the four-octave scale as an arduous skill for only advanced violinists. The truth is that learning four-octave scales is fairly straightforward for a young student and is valuable to add to one’s practice routine early, even before three-octave scales. One reason is to create familiarity and confidence through the use of the whole fingerboard. Also, proper left hand and thumb placement is reinforced by the use of all positions. Furthermore, the more ordinary three-octave range will then seem "easy" instead of difficult.

Three skills must be acquired before learning a four-octave scale. First the student must have a correct finger action, dropping the fingers onto the fingerboard, swinging from the base of the finger. The student’s left-hand wrist position must be relaxed, making it possible for all four fingers to hang over the notes. Lastly, the student must know where the positions are (up to 9th position) and what they feel like to the hand. At this point, with those simple things learned, a very young student can start learning 4-octave scales.

At first, the student can just place the hand in the different positions with the correct whole and half steps without playing the notes with the bow. One should practice using the “swinging” motion of the left elbow to move the left hand fingers from the G string to the E string. The student should also become comfortable sliding the fingers up and back down the E string using the opening and closing of the elbow and the resulting bending of the wrist, allowing the elbow to guide the arm “around” the instrument.

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Preventing Child Injuries in Car Accidents

According to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA), there are about 250,000 child injuries due to car accidents. This translates to about 700 children getting hurt everyday because of road mishaps.

In another study, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) also found out that child pedestrians also account for 30% of the total deaths for people under the age of 15.

Clearly, children are more susceptible to injuries than adults. They are smaller and more fragile. They can easily be thrown around inside a vehicle during a collision. In addition, injuries to children can leave permanent damages that they may have to live with the rest of their lives.

Causes of Child Injuries in Car Accidents

Here are some of the most identified causes of child injuries in car accidents:

• Improper installation and use of seat belts – Most car seatbelts are designed for average adults and does not fit properly to a small child. There are guidelines on how a child should be safely restrained inside a car.

• Improper installation and use of safety seats – Incorrect placement of seatbelts over safety seats and booster seats, infant safety seats facing forward instead of facing the rear of the car, and improper routing of seatbelts over the safety seats are examples of improper use of the supposed safety equipment.

• Children placed very close to airbags – Placing a child on the driver’s lap places a child in danger not only from being pinned by the car’s parts but also being hit by the full force of the airbag which could be very fatal.

• Placing children on pick-up’s cargo area – Placing a car on cargo areas of pick-ups increases the chances that they will be thrown over by the car during collision.

Preventing Child Injuries in Car Accidents

There is a number of safety equipment to safely transport a child in a car or other motor vehicles. However, it will depend on the age and size of the child on what safety equipment should be used.

Here are some guidelines about the type of protection you may need for your child:

• A federally-approved infant safety seat should be used for children below 1 year old. The safety seat should face the rear so that the head is protected in case of collision. The seat should also be semi-reclined to prevent the head from flopping forward.

• A child aged 1-4 can sit in a convertible seat that faces the front if the car has harness straps that can secure the child in place.

• When the child becomes too big for the convertible seat, he/she can be placed in a booster seat instead. The booster seat will help make the seatbelt fit better in securing the child.

• If the child outgrows the booster seat as well, the regular seatbelt should be able to fit him/her better. However, as a precaution, place the child on the back seat until he/she is 12.

With regards to safety seats, make sure that you read the manual to avoid improper use and installation.

Caution goes a long way in preventing child injuries due to car accidents.

Cium Bibir Sunan, Jennifer Dunn Hanya Bercanda

Video Jennifer Dunn Ciuman - Ibunda Jennifer Dunn tidak percaya anaknya berpacaran dengan pengacaranya Sunan Kalijaga SH. Dia melihat, aksi cium bibir yang dilakukan wanita yang akrab disapa Jeje itu hanyalah bercanda saja.

“Itu hanya bercanda saja. Dia (Jeje) memang begitu, Cuma main-mainan saja,” kata Ibunda Jennifer Dunn Linda Carolina saat berbincang dengan okezone, Jumat (12/2/2010).

Linda menegaskan, anaknya tidak mungkin berpacaran dengan Sunan Kalijaga. Pasalnya, bagaimana mungkin orang di dalam penjara bisa pacaran. “Sekalipun menjenguk, dia (Sunan) tidak sendirian. Pasti dengan pengacara yang lain,” jelasnya.

Menurutnya, apa yang dilakukan anaknya itu hanya lelucon saja dan tidak serius. Dia malah menyalahkan wartawan yang membuat ramai hal tersebut. “Wartawan juga sih yang bikin ramai, mereka jadi makin jadi saja bercandanya,” katanya.

Sebagai orangtua Jennifer pun pernah memprotes hal tersebut kepada Jennifer. Saat ditanya, Jennifer mengaku bercanda karena Sunan juga ikut dalam lelucon yang dibuatnya itu.

Sebelumnya, Jennifer Dunn berciuman dengan kuasa hukumnya yang sudah memiliki istri dan seorang anak. Aksi ciuman ini diketahui terjadi dua kali, dalam dua sidang terakhir Jennifer di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Barat.

Akan tetapi, Sunan mengelak bahwa keduanya berpacaran. Sunan hanya mengaku bahwa dia memang dekat dengan Jennifer. Berbeda dengan Sunan, Jennifer justru blak-blakan kepada media bahwa dia memang sayang dengan Sunan. Tak peduli, dia sudah memiliki istri dan anak

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

God Bless China

Confucius 2010| Film Confucius Sinopsis Video Movie Trailer - And simultaneously, we have a massive inflection point in the world.

It used to be that the countries of the world looked to America- the champion of free enterprise- to lead the world out of recession.

Now they look to a Communist led country: China.

This last week has seen a SIGNIFCANT landmark. China is moving world markets, including American. The Dow is moving according to what Chinese leaders say about their economy and stimulus programs.

The gap between Chinese and American military will also close as economies balance out between the two countries.

Most importantly, the Chinese have quickly learned that they can no longer afford to pin their hopes on producing products for Americans. Americans have stopped buying and China must learn to consume it's own products.

Confucius - With that massive population of theirs, a 'virgin' population when it comes to luxuries we've taken for granted, enter the next superpower. So am I telling you this to depress you? NO! As I keep saying in this newsletter, you don't have to keep your hard-earned cash within American borders. There are funds you can invest in that ride the Chinese train all the way. This is not unpatriotic- we live in a free global economy and you're entitled to invest in a way that suits you best.

PLEASE, start thinking more laterally about your finances.

The effect of this, combined with the resultant loss in appetite for American debt (Chinese buying US government bonds) to keep American interest rates artificially low so they buy Chinese products, and you have a rapid shift in power emerging. In fact, if it happens too fast it would be catastrophic for America.

Right now, a situation of 'mutually assured destruction' exists between America and China. If the Chinese stop lending to America, American interest rates soar and Americans stop buying products which are of course, predominantly Chinese made.

So both countries need this arrangement. BUT, the big difference is that the American situation is a relatively permanent one, the Chinese is not. As soon as domestic demand picks up in China, the Chinese can happily dump US debt (and probably will).

So knowing this, if you were president, what would you do?

Of course, you'd be wise to prepare by

1) reducing the need for this debt with the Chinese and

2) by getting manufacturing American goods more efficient and cost-effective so they can compete with the Chinese.

Obama is doing the exact opposite:

1) he's building EVEN MORE DEBT and

2) he's supporting inefficient industries instead of letting them die with government money (see number 1) and building EVEN MORE DEBT.

With General Motors continually asking for more of OUR money, can you now see why this is bad for America long term? GM and others are like that relative every family has. They mis-manage their affairs and well-meaning senior family members keep throwing money at them, but it's a financial black hole. They're not doing that relative any favors because that person will never have an incentive to solve his problems. It's treating the symptom, not the cause.

Obama's a smart guy. He undoubtedly knows this, but he serves the shuffling zombies on Main St. and what's he's doing is what they want: as always, free money and an instant fix to their 'problems'. You know, problems like not being able to keep up the payments on the Hummer and having to downgrade to a 4/3 instead of a 6/5 home.

By the way, they've stopped making Hummers "for now" as nobody is buying them. Maybe it will go the way of the Delorean car and the do-do.

This made me wonder: in 50 years time will there will be an exhibit at a museum dedicated to the long gone days of American excess? A Hummer will stand in the center display as something that epitomized the 'bling-bling' days at the turn of the century. I can see school kids looking at it scratching their heads. These kids just arrived by electric bus and wondered whatever we were all thinking around 2000 A.D., as oil has become a highly-prized and expensive substance to them, only begrudgingly used for lubrication and that World War III nearly started because of the race for the last of oil. Kids will laugh scornfully at the history books, much like we do now when reading about any uncivilized peoples.

Moving on...

Here's something that slips under the radar and could affect you: just about every weekend now, a bank goes bust. These are the smaller independent banks that the government won't bail out. If I had any money in "The Colonial Cracker Bank" or whatever else they're called, I would get my dollars the heck out of Dodge- FAST.

Across the pond to Europe. Here's an interesting article I picked up (not for the faint of heart):

"Conspiracy or...?

On the 11th February the Daily Telegraph's Brussels correspondent Bruno Waterfield wrote an article under the header: "European banks may need £16.3 trillion bail out, EC document warns." In the article, the reporter revealed that he has seen a secret document produced by the EU Commission which briefed the union's finance ministers on the true extent of the banking crisis. Less than 24 hours later, the article's header was changed to "European bank bail-out could push EU into crisis" and two paragraphs had mysteriously disappeared. Here they are:

"European Commission officials have estimated that "impaired assets" may amount to 44pc of EU bank balance sheets. The Commission estimates that so-called financial instruments in the 'trading book' total £12.3 trillion (13.7 trillion euros), equivalent to about 33pc of EU bank balance sheets.

In addition, so-called 'available for sale instruments' worth £4trillion (4.5 trillion euros), or 11pc of balance sheets, are also added by the Commission to arrive at the headline figure of £16.3 trillion."

Do yourself a favor - read those two paragraphs again. Newspaper editors do not change content light-heartedly. Did the Telegraph editor receive a call from Downing Street? Or Brussels? Did he have second thoughts about the avalanche that he could possibly instigate? I don't know and I probably never will. But one thing is certain. If the EU Commission's estimate of £16.3 trillion of impaired assets is correct, then the crisis is far worse than any of us could ever imagine. Not only would we have to get used to the prospects of a systemic meltdown of our banking system, but entire nations may go down as well."

A few issues ago, I said the Euro was overvalued and now you can see where I'm coming from. If you'd have gone short the Euro then, you'd be in the money. The Yen is the next to fall.

Currencies will go down like dominoes, and the US dollar will be seen as the best of a bad bunch as everyone flocks to it for 'safety'. When they realize that is an illusion (because the Fed prints so much of the stuff and it's backed by a lame promise), gold will be seen as "the currency of last resort" as one fund manager recently put it.

My views on oil, wheat, corn, silver and gold are unchanged (see past issues). I love them all for the longer and term.

The stock market is grinding downwards just as I predicted after it fell through the critical November low, and looking at the bigger picture I can see why: the government is dithering and having to go through the process of a democratic consensus. China needs no such consensus- they just announced a stimulus package. Stock markets like this kind of leadership and direction and Chinese stocks have responded accordingly.

This made me think though: as and when this administration finally does show some single-minded ACTION (not words), the US markets could take-off for this final surge before the bottom- the fabled bear market rally. And I believe this one could be a mother. So much so, it will fool everyone into thinking the worst is over. The bear is sick- he wants to destroy as many people as possible- he's not happy to just go down to 4000 now, he wants to suck more people back in first, tempting you with crazily low values.

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

How do I date beautiful women, even celebrities?

Oscar Nominations 2010|Oscar Nomination Predictions For 2010 - Are you a guy who’s interested not only in dating beautiful women, even celebrities, but would like to get beautiful women to approach YOU first? Can it really be done? The answer is an unqualified “yes” IF you know what to say and do, and what to avoid saying and doing.

Oscar Nominations 2010 - Most guys have no clue about the day to day life of stunningly beautiful women. They have no idea how many times a DAY these beautiful women are approached by guys whose obvious interest is to “sex them up.” And for celebrities, it’s even worse. Day in, and day out they hear the same thing: “oh you’re such beautiful women… do you have boyfriends… can I take you out…” and on and on and on. Beautiful women simply become numb to guys asking them these questions, and tune them out.

Now, that’s not to say these beautiful women don’t want to meet men… because they do. Many of them desperately. But beautiful women like a guy who’ll say something different to them, something unusual, something that will create attraction in them. And most of all beautiful women crave a man who “defines authority” for them, one who is not intimidated by their looks (or fame). Let me give you an example.

I’m in the business of teaching other guys how to get desirable, beautiful women to approach them first for a date, no matter their looks, age or income (see www.womenapproachyou.com). And while I rarely take clients, occasionally I’ll make a mistake and let someone talk me into helping them.

A few weeks ago I was working with a guy who was desperately in need of help. Like I always do, I asked him, “What specifically do you want in beautiful women? What don’t you want? And most importantly, what’s your ideal experience with a woman?” Most of guys, of course, have no specific answers to these questions—and if you don’t know what you’re looking for, it’s extremely difficult to achieve any measure of success—whether with beautiful women or in any area of your life.

This guy, amazingly enough, didn’t pause with his answer: “I’d like to sex Paris Hilton—and other beautiful women” he leered. I was a bit taken aback—apparently I don’t speak the “new lingo.” “Sex Paris Hilton,” I said. “What the heck does that mean, sex Paris Hilton?”

“It means I’d like to get with her you know, sex her up, sex Paris Hilton—or a woman like her.” Ah-ha. “So your goal is to share a few adventures with celebrities, or beautiful women who look like celebrities?” He nodded eagerly—“I’ll settle for a look-alike,” he said, “but what do I say, what do I do to get beautiful women to even speak to me?”

Here’s what I told him in regards to beautiful women: first off, get all thoughts of lust out of your head. If you want to spend time with beautiful women, you need to get to know them as people first.

Here’s what to do: when you see a beautiful woman (or beautiful women) you want to approach, look her in the eye, and smile slightly, using your “naughty little boy smile.” Your intent is to make her smile back at you, while you continue to hold her gaze, and smile wider and “naughtier.” Look for something unusual about her that few other guys would notice, and bring it to her attention. For example:

“You look like a well-conditioned athlete… what are you training for?”

“Hmmm, that’s a most unusual tattoo… what made you decide to get that particular one?”

“That’s a very professional looking business suit… what’s the occasion for dressing so professionally?”

“You have a great energy, much like my friends in the martial arts… what kind of physical training do you do to have such a great energy… or is it just natural?”

Or if all else fails, “What are smiling about… remembering something that makes you grin?”

The key is to notice something about her environment, and ask her an open ended question letting her know you’re sincerely curious about her. Don’t tell her, “you’re a beautiful woman and I like beautiful women.” She’s heard that. You want to give her an opportunity to talk about herself, something few guys ever do. They’re trying to impress her, instead of shutting up, listening and letting her impress herself about you.

By doing this, you let her know you’re interested in her as a person (as opposed to a sweaty piece of meat), that you appreciate her beauty (and beautiful women) but you’re not intimidated or especially impressed by it, and that you need to hear more before you let her into your life. When you do this, you will stand out from the crowd that asks her the same questions over and over and over—and she’ll be more than happy to pick YOU up!

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Film Rumah Dara Lucu Juga

Film Rumah Dara yang cukup lucu serta akan membuat kita terhibur dengan senyuman serta tawaana kita. Semoga saja Film Rumah Dara ini bisa meraup keuntungan yang cukup besar bagi pembuatnya serta para artis yang mendukung film tersebut. Kita semua cukup senang dengan film Rumah Dara ini. Dan semoga saja di masa yang akan datang, film kita bisa menjadi film yangmenjadi tuan rumah di rumahnya sendiri.

Daniel Mananta terlihat girang bukan main bisa menyandang predikat aktor. Pembawa acara yang lebih terkenal sebagai VJ MTV ini merasa begitu bangga mampu memerankan tokoh pria dewasa dan berpikiran matang, bernama Adam di film Rumah Dara.

Bagi Daniel, memerankan tokoh serius seperti Adam tergolong sulit. Apalagi dirinya doyan iseng dan bercanda. Bayangkan saja, sewaktu pengambilan gambar, ia mengaku dibuat lelah menawan tawa. Sementara dirinya dituntut harus terlihat takut sampai menangis.

"Dasar saya kan di dunia enternainment sebagai pembawa acara, jadi itu butuh perjuangan sendiri," tegas Daniel kepada Tempo di Jakarta, Senin (11/1) malam.

Untuk mengatasi tantangan itu, Daniel terbilang cerdik. Ia berinisiatif mencubit pahanya keras-keras atau menggigit bibir di tengah pengambilan gambar adegan. "Konsentrasi saya jadi pada rasa sakit. Saya tahan-tahan biar tidak mengerang," tambah Daniel terbahak-bahak.

Kini, setelah menonton penampilannya sendiri, ia merasa bangga. Ia mengaku jadi ketagihan beraksi di layar lebar. "Ternyata main film itu enak apalagi kalau sudah bisa menonton akting sendiri," tutur pria 28 tahun ini.

Daniel bertekad menjadikan film Rumah Dara sebagai semacam monumen atas kiprahnya di dunia akting tanah air mendatang. "Apapun tawarannya, kalau bagus skenarionya pasti akan saya terima," tegas Daniel.