Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Pause Miyabi Fans Meet in Indonesia

Triunfo Del Amor - Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi plans to hold a conference fans while promoting the latest movie starring, 'Ghost Land coachman' in Indonesia. However, because of its presence have protested, he was forced to postpone it.

Maxima Picture Producers Ody Mulya Hidayat revealed, all events concerning the Miyabi experiencing delays. Today, he still wants to consult with the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) first.

"We postpone the show. We want to consult with them (FPI) how the way out," said Ody.

Ody did not dare to decide when fans together Miyabi conference will be held. But, he hoped the event could take place before the turn of the year.

"We try before the new year. Many fans are disappointed because Miyabi," said Ody.

Earlier, a demonstration was held Miyabi reject the arrival of Islam Defenders Front (FPI) in front of the Maxima. In the action, FPI burn posters movie 'Ghost Land coachman'.

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Honda Pull Hundreds of Thousand Units

Japanese car manufacturer, CBR 250 RR Honda Motors Co.. Thursday (14/10) has attracted 126,774 units of Honda City and Honda Fit in Brazil. The reason for withdrawal because both the gas pedal sensor model is problematic.

Honda Motor's statement on the official website of the company as reported by Nikkei.com, Friday (15/10) mentioned a number of dirt and particle acceleration system has the potential to get into two cars.

"This can cause the speed of the car difficult to control and potentially cause an accident," says the manufacturer.

Meanwhile, as preached Kyodonews.com, today both models are drawn it is produced in Brazil in May 2008 and October 2010. Both are marketed in the country.

"We will repair the defect by replacing the cover preventing dirt or other particles into the pedal sensor," I Honda.

The withdrawal came after the authorities of Brazil and Honda received a report that calls have been an accident due to problems in the gas. However, there are no reports which mention any casualties or injuries from the accident.

Senin, 27 September 2010


Game Online Terbaru 2011 一時停止NBAの競争は今年のコービーブライアントに重かった。 NBAのスーパースター、ロサンゼルスレイカーズ忠実に一緒に夏の間、彼の右膝の関節鏡視下手術後の回復のプログラムとの休日で行く必要があります。

Game Online Terbaru - ブライアントは、膝の怪我の後、7月に手術台を向上させることを余儀なくされたことが気になる月に彼女の姿。彼は競争がプレーオフに入っているだけで、残りの多くを持っていた。そうしたいしないで、彼は次のシーズンが始まる前に百パーセントを回復したいと考えています。

" 最も困難は何もされていません。私は私が難しい。しかし、私にとっては、この夏の最高の演習では、何もされていないの作業に慣れて私の体は、休憩を必要としてけがを復元する必要があります。あなたは次のシーズンに向けて準備ができている状態を改善する必要があるので、これは運動です私にとっては難しい、"ヤフースポーツ、ブライアント氏は語る。

衣装は、竹の国のスター、姚明より販売され、中国、会議のファンを行ってNBAファイナルいっぱい夏休みの2つの最高の選手(最優秀選手)受賞。 2003年から2006年後の第3膝の手術をmelakoniする必要がありますが、ブライアントは、彼はまだレイカーズ次のシーズンで6つのすべてのNBAのタイトルを達成することができます楽観的だ。



"私の膝を動作させる準備ができている場合、私が再生されます。それが重くて、私は時間の制限について話すのは好きではないからです。すべての準備ができたら、我々は動作します。私は開幕戦を欠場することはありません。それはまだ長かったが、"ブライアントは述べた。 "どのような物理的強度、非常に良いで評価私の現在の状態については、"と彼は言った。





Sabtu, 11 September 2010

Former CEO of HP coupled Oracle

Harga HP Samsung - Although already dumped by Hewlett Packard as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Hurd's career does not mean finished. Yesterday, Hurd digaet world's second largest software company, Oracle. In this company, Hurd has served as president. Hurd replaced Charles Quits who resigned.

HP Samsung - Later, as president, Hurd must report to Oracle CEO Larry Ellison ie.

Analysts welcomed the positive steps Oracle. "This is a combination that fits. Who better than the Hurd? Moreover, Oracle will be transitioning from software to hardware companies," said Brent Thill, an analyst at UBS AG in San Francisco.

He added that Oracle's current needs someone who can bring the company to reach revenues of U.S. $ 30 billion. Meanwhile, Hurd had led the company with a value of more than U.S. $ 100 billion. "He has a great role and has a high ability to lead the company forward," said Thill.

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Wafatnya Pelawak Kang Ibing

Kang Ibing Meninggal Dunia - Komedian sekaligus tokoh masyarakat Jawa Barat Raden Kusmayatna Kusumadinata alias Kang Ibing meninggal dunia pada hari Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010 di RS Al Islam Bandung.

Diane Fatwawati, putri bungsu Kang Ibing, mengemukakan ayahnya mengalami serangan jantung sore tadi dan langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Akan tetapi, nyama Kang Ibing tidak bisa diselamatkan dan dinyatakan wafat pada pukul 20.45.

"Ayah kami sakit sore tadi dan langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Penyakit jantungnya kambuh," katanya kepada wartawan malam ini.

Menurut rencana jenazah Kang Ibing yang lahir di Sumedang 20 Juni 1946 atau berusia 64 tahun akan dibawa ke rumah duka di Jln. Kencana Wangi No.70 Margacinta Bandung. Hingga kini, belum ada informasi tentang rencana waktu dan tempat pemakaman.

Kang Ibing yang menjadi ikon masyarakat Sunda meninggalkan seorang isteri dan tiga anak, masing-masing satu anak perempuan dan laki-laki.

Pada saat terakhirnya, Kang Ibing juga rajin berdakwah ke pelosok daerah di Jabar.
Selama hidupnya, beliau juga sangat akrab dengan sejumlah tokoh Jabar lainnya seperti maestro wayang Asep Sunandar Sunarya, Aom Kusman, dan lain-lain.

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Aneka Nc1253HZ6 Deddy Corbuzier

NC1253HZ6 Deddy Corbuzier - NC1253HZ6 Code predicting DUTCH! Really? How could the Dutch who won the 2010 World Cup champion is this? Actually it's only a prediction from some friends in one of the comments of this blog posting that discussed the NC1253HZ6 Code which provide as a keyword Corbuzier Deddy Which team will win / win in the 2010 world cup this time.

Yes, in these postings COMMENT many who commented about who would become champion in 2010 world cup this time. In Germany the post NC1253HZ6 Not many predictions vary about what exactly the content or maknya predictions contained in such NC1253HZ6 key code.

In the comments, it should say GERMAN as the winner (but in the semi-finals at the hands of Germans Lose Spain) and then there is also a saying SPAIN as World Cup champion in 2010 (Spain advanced to the final after the German conquest) and the latter is DUTCH (Netherlands in the final after defeating Uruguay).

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Sony Ercisson Satio Resep

Sony Ercisson Satio Harga - PRODUCTEUR téléphones mobiles Sony Ericsson, a lancé son dernier smartphone, le Xperia X8. Les téléphones portables sont considérés comme de divertissement avec un smartphone à écran tactile le système d'exploitation Android était moins cher version.

Sony Ercisson Satio - Les médias sociaux dans la fonction appelée Xperia X8 Timescape. Cette fonctionnalité offre un accès rapide à tous les site de réseautage social, ainsi que sur un bouton pour accéder au contenu de divertissement tels que la radio FM de Sony Ericsson, vidéo streaming, et pour visionner la vidéo.

Xperia X8 se concentrer pour jouer des jeux disponibles dans l'Android Market ou à regarder des clips sur YouTube, la navigation Web, ou à télécharger de la musique. Le dispositif est équipé d'une prise casque 3,5 mm et un appareil photo 3,2 mégapixels avec fonction d'enregistrement vidéo.

Les utilisateurs peuvent télécharger des vidéos sur Facebook, avec geotagging et une capacité à créer des albums. "Le marché est globalement de plus en plus intelligent, et maintenant nous voyons la stratification», a déclaré Avi Greengart, analyste chez Current Analysis.

Selon lui, le marché se développe et smartphones deviennent plus populaires, les vendeurs sont la segmentation du marché et de cibler différents points des prix avec des produits différents. «Il s'agit d'un vieillissement baik.Ini signifie que le marché des smartphones, dit-il.

X8 Xperia qui mettent l'accent sur le divertissement est un exemple de cette stratification. téléphone Android comporte également un prix bas, dit-il.
Xperia chef de produit marketing Timo Maassmann X8 X8 Xperia a souligné que le niveau des prix plus accessibles. "Le prix est inférieur à 200 euros (2,4 millions de dollars) dans des marchés choisis, dit-il.

Greengart dit que le Android ouvrir la porte pour les dispositifs à moindre coût parce que les fabricants de téléphones portables n'ont pas besoin d'investir dans le système d'exploitation. Avec Apple et Research In Motion a conduit le marché des smartphones, juste si l'appareil Android sera suivie d'un faible coût.